Traveling with your hair accessories

Traveling with your hair accessories

I am so excited for you, because if you're reading this that means you are traveling soon-eeek! This blog post will be a mix of ideas on how to wear your hair accessories when on vay-cay, as well as how to care for them and store them while traveling. 


As you can see from our cover image on this blog post-they fit so well in even the smallest of spaces. If you mostly wear our butter soft twistband style headband, just fold it up and slip it in your carry-on. At only 1 oz, they won't take away precious weight from your other most needed belongings. 


When traveling by plane or with a top-down style road trip we recommend wear your hair in either a low bun or high bun depending on the vibe of your trip. If it's a work trip and you need to be ready to go shortly after arrival, a low bun is a more professional look. If you don't need to be ready as soon as you touchdown, a high bun can be a relaxing way to keep the air out of your face and off your seat during flight. As well as a super quick hair do when you need to make it to the gate on time! 

If any of your hair accessories get dirty while vacationing and you aren't sure of how to care for them- simply hand wash in gentle soap (hand soap works in a pinch) and air dry. 

Have you traveled with your Barefooted Bobbin accessories before? We'd love to hear any tips and tricks you came up with, as well as how you've styled them in the comments below! 

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